Yashica's Intuition

new moon

New Moon in Capricorn January 2021 predictions

yashica crumpton

In this video I discuss the the new moon for January 2021 and what that signifies for you.The first new moon of January 2021 will be in Capricorn.

With this New Moon occurring on Jan 12th at around 10p CST,  we have the energy of renewal and new beginnings in the sign of Capricorn. Capricorn can sometimes feel a little heavy for some. Especially if you are coming into 2021 with baggage from the past or feel like you are working hard and getting nowhere so the first thing that I would invite you to do is to reflect on the vision that you want for your life and how you want your life to look at the end of 2021. From there, I think you are able to set more clear goals because here’s the thing. Capricorn doesn’t want you to do meaningless work for the sake of doing work. Capricorn is all about working hard and steady because there is something important to you that you want to master and something that is important to you… a hope or a dream… that you want to accomplish. If you aren’t working hard for something that matters, what’s the point?

So before you move forward, start with an audit of where you are now and if you are working toward a life that has value and meaning and purpose and feels successful to YOU.

If you are, then here is what you need to do next. When you set your goals, there is no need to focus on the bigger vision once you have it in place, it’s there. What you need to focus on are the smaller daily actions that are going to bring you closer and closer to accomplishing your goals. If you do your daily actions, you should get closer to your goals… especially if you are spending time on actions that are value added in relation to your vision.

On a soul level, what this energy is good for is tearing down old structures that don’t serve you and learn to create better internal and possibly internal “structures” in the form of legacies that serve you and add your unique consciousness to humanity in the material form.

Masculine and feminine energy are playing really well during this New Moon which plays well in many areas of life from relationships, to personal energy, to having the personal drive to do the work that you feel passionate about doing and I believe that it will feel easier than it may usually feel so please stop procrastinating. I’ve been saying that the new year started back in mid December and here’s some easy flowy energy that you can use to begin or continue to work on some of the things that matter to you, inside and out, with more ease.

Uranus is bringing new and maybe unexpected energy in the air depending on where it hits your chart. Overall, I see this as something positive where you are able to manifest something in some area of life that will leave you quite pleased. Especially if you have been preparing for something or doing the work… I see recognition for work well done. While there may be some hiccups… will discuss in a moment… I think you can get through those ok and still come out on top. It’s an interesting time of moving forward and moving past what can or did feel like blocks and more towards accomplishment in some way.

Here are some challenges that I see. Remember in my last astrology report how I was speaking about how some of you may let emotions and self delusions cloud judgement and possibly mistake the compulsions, instincts, and urges for intuition… that’s the first thing that I see that can come up. If you are someone that gets all up in your feels or don’t feel like you don’t have a connection to your intuition then I would try to be as objective as possible and non emotional as possible, especially in the face of any challenges that could occur with communication, hearing what you want to hear, seeing what you want to see, and trying to rationalize things to fit what you want them to be.

Saturn is also not playing too well with some of this goodness and can bring up some unexpected changes that may not feel good. Without seeing your personal chart, I can’t be sure how this will impact you but because of the positivity I see, I believe that what will happen is that what feels like frustrations or blocks initially, you will be able to look back in hindsight and see that it was more of a blessing or opportunity.

If something is going to come up, it will happen organically so it’s best to let nature do what it needs to do and you just remain flexible and agile as well as self aware so that you are able to respond appropriately if something does come up. In the places that I see this, it may have to do with responsibility, restriction, work, or things about your life that have worn out their welcome and need to change. It’s a very practical energy that may require doing something new or different in order to deal with it. 

All of this energy, in fact, is asking you to take action towards the year and the vision and the legacy that you want to create but to do so in an intentional and more step-by-step, methodical way. There are so many times that I see people do all the things but do the wrong things so end up not getting anything done. This is about action with a plan. I also believe that, again, if you started when I suggested, you would already have some work in progress, but if you haven’t I would spend much of this time reflecting on opportunity and a plan than diving headfirst into new things or taking new risks or being impulsive. 

Some of you will hear me say not to try new things and I am not saying this, only that it is more favorable for those of you that have already started things but if you haven’t, this isn’t an excuse to wait. You will just need to be aware of how your actions impact your inner and outer world and do things “the right and responsible” way. Sure break free of the crap that holds you back, but don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. Chase goals, not feelings and certainly not people or circumstances that disempower you! There are big opportunities coming for some of you and surprises coming for some of you but the key for all of them stems on staying cool and under control and being able to check and adjust in the moment.

Jupiter is still really close to Saturn so if you want to read about all of the goodness of The Great Conjunction that is still available to you, check out this post. You won’t be disappointed and this is some energy you SHOULD NOT be ignoring.

Pluto is really close to this New Moon. I see this as the “planet” of destruction and transformation uncovering anything that needs to be brought to light to deal with… that could have to do with the conscious or the emotions. Clean out the trash. Deal with stuff. Move forward!

Last thing I will talk about before this gets too long is watch out for your “mind”. Mars is on one making you impulsive, pushy, and jumpy. It can be hard to concentrate and make you want prone to drama that isn’t good for you. What I would suggest is to take a new approach in instances such as these rather than trying to push forward directly. There are great solutions and innovations that will come to help solve issues but not if you choose to be stubborn. Remember to give your mind a break at times and have some fun.

If you would like access to a free guide to teach you how to manifest with the moon follow this link for a free class